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Fig. 7 | Journal of Applied Volcanology

Fig. 7

From: Revisiting the lacquer peels method with pyroclastic deposits: sediment plates, a precise, fine scale imaging method and powerful outreach tool

Fig. 7

Variety of sediment structures encountered in the Tungurahua dataset: a “Shark fin” patterns related to syn-depositional soft-sediment-deformation due to the shear of the flows (see Douillet et al. 2018b). b Isolated block-rich horizon in otherwise synchronous ash dominated beds overlain and underlain by laminated ash beds. c) Intact orchid leaves from an Epidendrum Jamiesonis at the base of the 2006 deposits. The fine grained, light-grey layer might be related to the July 2006 eruption or the initiation of the August 2006 explosions. d Accretionary pellets possibly linked with the encounter of pyroclastic currents with the Chambo river (see Kueppers et al. 2016)

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