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Table 4 Tephra sliding coefficients for monopitch and simply pitched roofs

From: Laboratory tests to understand tephra sliding behaviour on roofs

Roof type

Tephra type

Low pitch

Medium pitch

Steep pitch


Monopitch or simply pitched, with pitch = α

Coarse-grained (Pumice or scoria)

α ≤ 15°

µcoarse  = 1

15° < α < 35°

µcoarse = (35 – α)/20

35° ≤ α

µcoarse  = 0


Fine-grained (Ash)

α ≤ 20°

µfine  = 1

20° < α < 35°

µfine = (35 – α)/15

35° ≤ α

µfine  = 0


Wet ash < 20 cm thicka

α ≤ 30°

µfinewet  = 1

30° < α < 35°

µfinewet = (35 – α)/5

35° ≤ α

µfinewet  = 0


  1. aWhen considering critical roof loads, this case will likely only lead to failure for dense deposits or low strength roofs