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Data Visualization and Effective Communication in Volcanology: Cross-disciplinary Lessons from Research and Practice Collection Call for Papers!

Guest Editors:
Danielle Charlton, PhD, GNS Science, New Zealand
Mary Anne Clive, PhD, GNS Science, New Zealand

Submission Status: Open until 30 September 2025
Image credit: © thinnapat /

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New Collection Now Open!

New Content Item © Image credits: Eliza CalderJournal of Applied Volcanology is calling for submissions to our new collection which will highlight research and case studies that adopt participatory, community-led, or co-produced approaches to volcanic risk and resilience. 

APC waivers are available to be requested for submissions to this collection.

More info at Community voices and volcanic risk reduction: co-production, participatory research, and community-led approaches to risk


  1. Authors: Helen Sian Crosweller, Baneet Arora, Sarah Krystyna Brown, Elizabeth Cottrell, Natalia Irma Deligne, Natalie Ortiz Guerrero, Laura Hobbs, Koji Kiyosugi, Susan Clare Loughlin, Jonathan Lowndes, Martin Nayembil, Lee Siebert, Robert Stephen John Sparks, Shinji Takarada and Edward Venzke

Meet the Editor-in-Chief: Emma Hudson-Doyle

Emma Hudson-DoyleAssociate Professor Emma Hudson-Doyle works at the interface between physical and social scientists and is focused on improving the communication of science advice and risk during natural hazard events. She teaches into the Emergency Management program at the Joint Centre for Disaster Research, Massey University, Aotearoa NZ. Emma's research is centered around a philosophy that to understand, prepare for, and recover from, the societal impacts of volcanic events, we must also understand how society reacts to and manages all natural hazards and the societal, cultural, and economic factors influencing disaster resilience. Accordingly, she brings to the Editor-in-Chief role an understanding of how lessons from other domains, such as earthquake, extreme weather, landslide, and bush fire, can be applied to enhance our ability to live with volcanic risk.

New Hazard Map Article Type

map iconHazard mapping hasn’t been getting the attention it deserves and we’re going to do something about it! Journal of Applied Volcanology invites authors to show off their volcanic hazard and risk mapping work in a newly dedicated article type. 

More info at Hazard Map submission guidelines.

Aims and Scope

Journal of Applied Volcanology is an international journal with a focus on applied research relating to volcanism and particularly its societal impacts. Characterising volcanic impacts and associated risk relies on not only quantifying physical threat but also understanding social and physical vulnerability and resilience. The broad aim of volcanologists in this domain is to increase public resilience to volcanic risk via research that reduces both human fatalities and volcanic impacts on livelihoods, infrastructure, and the economy. Journal of Applied Volcanology fills an important gap for scientists who want to publish research that addresses this aim and wish to reach a broad audience.

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Volcano erupting

To prepare or not to prepare: What motivates people to reduce their risk from volcanic impacts?
Published 13 Dec 2021
What motivates people to prepare for volcanic hazards? In a recent study from Journal of Applied Volcanology, Lauren Vinnell and co-authors from New Zealand and the US explored behavioral and psychological factors which influence whether people are able and willing to evacuate in the event of lahars.
Mount Rainier map

Let's talk more about volcanic hazard maps - a blog post
Published 1 Mar 2019
Erupting volcanoes can pose many hazards, including volcanic ash, lava flows, pyroclastic flows and lahars. Associate Professor Jan Lindsay, former Editor in Chief of Journal of Applied Volcanology, discusses the importance of volcanic hazard maps in highlighting the areas where these hazards may occur and what needs to be done to improve their development and use.

Hazard Map

Development and application of volcanic fragility and vulnerability functions
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Collection published: 6 January 2017

The Application of Volcanology Research to Emergency Management
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18 Years of Risk and Resilience: a ‘Forensic’ Analysis of Soufriere Hills Volcano and its Impacts
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  • Citation Impact 2023
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.153
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.782

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    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 8
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 181

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