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Fig. 6 | Journal of Applied Volcanology

Fig. 6

From: TephraProb: a Matlab package for probabilistic hazard assessments of tephra fallout

Fig. 6

Hazard maps show the conditional probability of exceeding a threshold of tephra accumulation given the occurrence of the associated eruption scenario: a Long–lasting Eruption Range Scenario for Cordón Caulle volcano for a tephra accumulation of 10 kg m−2; b Long–lasting Fixed Date Scenario for Cordón Caulle for a tephra accumulation of 10 kg m−2; c One Eruption Scenario for a sub–Plinian eruption of La Fossa for a tephra accumulation of 10 kg m−2; d Vulcanian Long–Lasting Eruption Scenario for a Vulcanian eruption of La Fossa for a tephra accumulation of 100 kg m−2. ESPs for all scenarios are summarized in Table 2. The minimum displayed probability is 0.1 and the red line contours the extent of the calculation grid. The vent is indicated by a red triangle

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